Friday, April 30, 2010

This blog has moved

The blog is back on! We've moved to local hosting again, so please update your links to

The blog here will not be updated again.

Much to Report...

No time to report it in!

I seem to be incapable of traveling and blogging. Don't ask why. I'm normally a committed multi-tasker. That's why I have a headset on our cordless phone. It makes me look like Gordon Gekko's very unsuccessful younger sister.

Soon I will update about the Ottawa Writer's Festival, my visits to two beautiful schools in the Ottawa area (Mother Teresa High School and AY Kennedy.) I even have a video/book trailer for Getting the Girl that the incredible White Pine team at M.T. High put together. It's so great.

I also have photos of the event at the Gladstone Hotel and links to various new articles about Nice Recovery.

Most heart-stopping (if you have a very compromised heart, that is), we have a bunch of excellent questions for the L.B.s and even some answers. I knew there was a reason I hang around with those women. Smart and funny is a deadly combo.

Finally, I am racing around getting ready for the dance launch tomorrow night. Think pants. Think dance. It's going to be good. There will be documentation of this as well. Until then...


P.S. Blogger is doing some new weirdo publishing thing that I don't understand, so if I never write on this blog again, you'll know that I'm unable to cope and will be sending updates via loudspeaker while standing on our deck.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Keeping it Real

with the Lucky Bitches

Big news here on Rare Birds!

We will be running an advice column for those who are new/lost/bored in recovery or clean-and-sober-curious. Those who write in with questions will get answers from me and a few of my friends, a collective known in certain circles as the Lucky Bitches. You will know us from our hats.

We range in age from early twenties to early forties and we have all been clean and sober for a few years. We'll do our best for you, but keep in mind that we got our counseling educations at the school of hard knocks (read: campsites around B.C. where we give each other advice quite freely when we are not snacking and napping and trying to wrestle huge mattresses into small tents) rather than any accredited educational institution for advice-givers.

Send your questions along to

I would introduce the Bitches, but they are busy making up new names for themselves. Everyone was disappointed to learn that Ann Landers and Dr. Phil were taken.

I hope to see some of you from Ottawa this weekend or those from Toronto at the Gladstone Hotel (April 28, 7:30, 1214 Queen St. West) next week. And for those on Vancouver Island, don't forget the dynamite dance-launch heading your way May 1.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Why did Sherm Win: The Post Party Analysis

Sherm won because some people are very cool and supportive and got their friends and family to vote for him and wrote good "why to vote for Sherm" messages:

He also won because some people are really smart and went past grade eight in math (ahem) and know how to calculate odds and make charts and analyze winnitude:

You, my friends, are the reason Sherm won.

And for those of you who got Tshirts and are now being confronted with the question: Who the Hell is Sherm? please know that I'm having little cards made up.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Events Ahoy!

Here's a list of events coming up in the next few weeks:

Ottawa International Writers Festival Sunday, April 25, 10:00 a.m., Books and Brunch with Paula Butturini, Tom Jokinen, Amir Gutfreund and moi. Hosted by David Dollin at the Lord Elgin Hotel.

On Wednesday, April 28th, I'll be at the Gladstone Hotel Ballroom at 1214 Queen St. West in Toronto, from 7:30 - 10:00. Ibi Kaslik and I will be talking about Nice Recovery. Ibi is a novelist, freelance writer and teacher. Her most recent novel, The Angel Riots, is a rock n’ roll comic-tragedy that was nominated for Ontario’s Trillium award in 2009. Her first novel, Skinny, was a New York Times Bestseller and has been published in numerous countries. She teaches creative writing at The University of Toronto’s School of Continuing Studies.

I will be back in Toronto in early May to give a series of talks at schools around Toronto and to celebrate at the White Pine Awards for which Getting the Girl is a contender. I'll say one thing about Sherm: he's no quitter.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

You Are Invited

to the dance-launch for Nice Recovery. If dancing is not your thing, there will be plenty of room to stand around looking cool.

Just in case you don't have the eyes of a bionic fighter pilot: May 1, reading and launch from 7:00 - 8:00 (No dancing required!), dance from 8:00 - 12:00. Venue: Wellington School, 3135 Mexicana Rd., Nanaimo, off Departure Bay Rd., park in back lot.

We hope to see you there.


The Nice Recovery Dance-Launch Junior Executive Team and Organizing Committee

Monday, April 05, 2010

We Are the Champions

I dedicate this video to everyone who voted for Sherm. (His mom is sewing him the black and white leotard as we speak.)The training montage (all of you booting up your computers, stretching your fingers before voting, cursing out opponents like Lord of the Rings and A Tree Grows in Brooklyn) is in post-production. (If you're looking at this on facebook the video won't show. You'll have to go to my website to really rock out.)

Friday, April 02, 2010

Relentless self-promotion, Pt. XXXIIV

Here is a podcast of my conversation with Shelagh Rogers, wonderful host of The Next Chapter. The podcast also features Rukhsana Khan, Eric Walters, Jill Murray, a panel of YA readers and Joan Clark. Also, I love that Ken Setterington weighs in Canadian YA.

Here is a podcast I taped with Lee Fodi and James McCann of Authors Like Us. I want to join their gang when I... move near them. Check out the archives as well to hear their interviews with Meg Tilly, Don Calame, Art Slade, CC Humphreys and other excellent writers.

Nice Recovery was also part of a round-up of new books in the Georgia Straight. (You may be asking yourself after viewing my picture, jeez, how did her hair get so big? The answer is I discovered how to work a round brush.)

A couple of weeks ago there was a lovely review in The Globe and Mail.

Thanks also to Meaghan at The Argosy for reviewing the book and the always awesome OR Melling for the nice shoutout.

Most recently, I was on The Debutante Ball. The site is fabulous and an incredible resource for readers and writers. Thanks for inviting me, Joelle! (Joelle has a new book out this month: I'm looking forward to it!)

In fact, thanks to everyone who has taken the time to write about the book or talk to me about it.

On the Sherman Mack front, I would like to thank Liberty County High in Georgia, for picking Getting the Girl as their favorite book in the Georgia Peach competition. The Hunger Games was the overall winner. I'm going to take that compliment as an invitation to visit Georgia, like I've always meant to do.

On a personal note, I thought I should work out today to recover from my birthday treats, but it's insanely stormy outside. So instead of working out, I bought myself a new tracksuit. Next best thing, right?

That is all.

Happy Easter.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Mailing List

I am finally developing a mailing list for people who might be interested in news about my books and upcoming appearances. Not "I finally finished page 57 and it was a tough one"-type news, but rather "I have a new book. Feel free to buy it!"-ish news. I'll also send out tour information and the like.

You have my word that if you join the mailing list you will not be bombarded with emails. I will only send updates when it's extremely relevant and interesting to you: "Susan has just won a prize worth three hundred thousand and would like to share it with her beloved readers." Like that.

If you'd like to be on the mailing list, please send your email address to I promise I won't sell it to anyone, even if I get really broke.

Finally, thank you to Sh. who sent me a list of songs she listened to as a sort of theme music for Nice Recovery: Make Yourself by Incubus and Satellite by P.O.D. Love it!


A Note from the Voters

"Dearest Harper Collins: Declare Sherm the winner already, it's no longer March and he killed that tree in Brooklyn. Sincerely, April and her army of librarians."

Personally, I make it a policy NEVER to mess with an army of any kind, especially not librarians. Also, my mom's tired of voting. Let's call this thing over. We don't want a repeat of what happened in Florida in 2000. The librarian army isn't as easily pushed around as the Gore team.

Sherm's face here!

Thank you everyone who voted! Sorry, Tree, that Sherm turned you into kindling.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Like you need another reason!

Well, just in case you do need more encouragement to vote for Sherm here is a small selection of the quotes I've received from Shermanators:

"Vote for Sherm 'cause nerds have feelings, too!" (Bill)

"Tina was wrong: we DO need another hero. Vote for Sherm." (Meaghan)

"Nothing says integrity like Sherman Mack." (Jen)

"Sherm: He won't stop for Brooklyn." (Kristine)

"Sherman: He's a tank for you." (Brooke)

There has even been a haiku committed to the cause!
Sherm the detective
Defiled's a big mystery
While getting the girl (Jeff)

On a side note, Jeff is also a filmmaker and his first film, Tumaini, will soon be touring to a city near you. Check it out!

Monday, March 22, 2010

We're in the Finals Now!

Don't forget to send me your "Why Sherm Should Win the Whole Thing" quote and possibly win a fabulous custom Vote for Sherm T-shirt with genuine camouflage lettering!

Also, don't forget to vote! You could win 64 books or a trip to the Bahamas! That's nearly as good as a Tshirt. Be a winner: Vote for Sherm.

P.S. James and I learned Highwayman on the drive back from Mount Washington. We are going to hire ourselves out to parties. I should probably tell you that I'm especially good at the Waylon Jennings part.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Total Shirt Show!

Sherm, that young miracle in pants, appears to be hanging onto his lead in his March Madness runoff against To Kill A Mockingbird. I know, incredible!!

Here's the thing: I'm all out of "cajolies" (words of coaxing encouragement to get people voting, not the other thing that word sounds like).

What to do? What to do? I KNOW! Have a contest! A contest behind the contest, like Survivor, only lazy.

Here's the idea: You tell me in a sentence or two why people should vote for Sherm in the finals (provided he doesn't get knocked out of the competition today). The top entries (you can give me more than one) will win one of THESE bad boys:

(Adorable cat not included).

I will post your exhortations on facebook, twitter and my website and you will be famous. Well, you'll be famous to me.

The new round of voting starts on Monday. Give me something to work with people!


P.S. These shirts are brought to you courtesy of AQ, who went above and beyond to make them happen. I'm totally voting to keep her on the Island.

How to Tell the World You are a Former Drinky Pants

Two blogs in one day. A first here on Rare Birds!!

The reaction to Nice Recovery has been really gratifying so far. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your emails and notes and thank you to those who’ve reviewed the book.

This subject touches a lot of people’s lives. Maybe someone in your family or a friend has trouble with substances. Maybe you do. I wrote the book partly to honour where I came from and partly to show that sobering up isn’t the end of life, but the beginning. I also wanted to take a look at the different options available for people entering recovery and to interview young people about what it's like for them now. I don’t pretend to have the answers for everyone, I only know what's worked for me. For the past twenty years, as I noted in an earlier post (February 1), I’ve been kind of cagey about my recovery. Like a lot of people, I got clean and sober so I could function properly. I didn’t want to spend my whole life being the drunkest one at the (increasingly depressing) party. I wanted to be treated like everyone else. And I have been. Telling everyone that I couldn’t handle my drink has meant giving up the pretense that I’m Mrs. Well-Adjusted and always have been. That has been a little scary, but I figure it will be worth it if the book is useful to even one person.

I tried to be careful not to talk about myself as a member of any specific recovery organization. In many programs there is a tradition of anonymity which states that people may talk about being in recovery from addiction, but should not announce their membership in any particular organization (even if people can infer that information).

Here’s why the principle of anonymity exists in twelve step programs: 1) the person who is announcing her/his membership in a program might get loaded and thereby become a bad advertisement, and 2) many people might be discouraged from trying to get help if they thought everyone would find out, and 3) a person shouldn’t go around thinking he/she’s all that because he/she’s in a program. You know, just for instance.

So, for anyone who is interested and who has not read the book, I am sober thanks to the help of many people, programs and therapists and the odd circus trainer. I am not in any way holding myself out as a poster child for any organization. (Well, I wouldn't mind putting my face on a poster for a cupcake shop, but that's different. That might mean free cupcakes.)

To quote my own preface, as all the classy writers do: “Most twelve step programs are based on a principle of anonymity. That means that members do not break their anonymity at the level of press, radio and film. Or books. My discussion about my (or others’) membership in any self-help programs will be kept general to respect these traditions. This book touches on twelve step programs and what they entail, but if you want more information, each program has its own literature. It’s very useful stuff. I encourage you to read it.”


Drinky P.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Sweet jumps!

I was having breakfast yesterday with a couple of girlfriends. We were talking about movies and naturally the conversation came around to Napoleon Dynamite and tater tots and all things sweet.

My friend told us about the time she was on vacation with her whole family and decided to show them how she could do "sweet jumps" on her bike. With everyone watching, she proceeded to have a massive wipe out. Now her husband won't let her get a motorcycle because he says "You can't even handle a bike without a motor."

It occurs to me that publishing a book is a bit like doing sweet jumps at the family vacation. Only the family is the whole reading public. If you are crazy enough to write a memoir, as I have done, the bike feels more like a motorcycle with a couple of jet engines attached to the back, similar to what you see in those Spike TV shows about the myriad dumb ways people find to kill themselves. Maybe you'll make the sweet jump and no one will notice but you'll feel quiet satisfaction. Maybe you'll make the sweet jump and become a family legend. But just as likely you won't make the sweet jump and will end up with road rash all over yourself and your family will laugh about your failed attempt every time they see you for the rest of your life and the story will be featured in bold in the Christmas letter. Or worse, maybe the sweet jump will go terribly wrong and you'll crash into Aunt Pat and break her leg and give yourself a head injury and a collapsed lung. Then no one will laugh, especially not Aunt Pat and her new boyfriend, and you'll be banished from family vacations forever.

Publishing a book, like attempting a sweet jump, involves an element of risk. I admire everyone who tries it. I just wish authors, like stunt riders, were allowed to wear helmets. (Do you think people would wonder if I wore one to my public events? hmmm. Maybe wrist guards and elbow pads, too...)

Nice Recovery is officially out tomorrow, March 16. Thanks to all of you who've already read it and been so nice.

There are several public events/readings coming up across Canada, including the Ottawa Writer's Festival (April 25-26) and an event with SmallPrint/TINARS on April 28th in Toronto. I will be speaking with CBC's lovely Shelagh Rogers on Wed. for her show, The Next Chapter and will let you know when that's due to air. There will be a full list of events and their dates on the sidebar of this blog as soon as I have them. We also have extremely sweet plans for a book launch, which I will reveal as soon as they're finalized.

Until then, try the sweet jumps but make sure to keep your pads on.


P.S. Don't forget to Vote for Sherm. The semifinals are two weeks long. He's holding strong at 60%. Stay tuned for news about Vote for Sherm swag!

P.P.S. I have a several sweet jump books I want to talk about but I have to wait until my schedule clears a bit. For now, let me say that Lauren Mechling's Dream Life, Chevy Steven's Still Missing and Jay Ruzesky's Wolsenburg Clock are three jumps you don't want to miss! I don't even think their authors need helmets. More on them next month...

Monday, March 08, 2010

Holy Doodle!

I can scarcely believe it! Getting the Girl, the book even my publisher referred to as "an unlikely opponent" (which made me laugh quite a bit), won over Lord of the Rings! Alice would be so proud. Or upset. I can't decide which.

Victory is bittersweet because Lord of the Rings is one of my all time favourite series and the movies gave good value in terms of minutes per dollar. But the Lord voters can comfort themselves with the fact that their candidate has sold several tens of millions more books than Sherm. So there's that.

And now, we're in the semi-finals. I know I said we were in the semis last week. I don't follow sports and I'm a bit short on logic, so I got it wrong. Last week must have been the quarter finals. The important piece is that we got 62% out of 1076 votes!

The bad news is that we're up against, gulp, Scout in To Kill a Mocking Bird! Why is this going to be a tense contest? Well, Mockingbird won a Pulitzer Prize. Getting the Girl has not. Yet. Mockingbird is one of the best-loved books in American literature. Getting is not. Yet. Worst of all, Scout is Sherm's kind of girl. To Kill a Mockingbird is his kind of book (what with the injustice and the mystery and all). Sherm's going to be torn up about this match. But not me. I say, Vote For Sherm! He's short! He's a giver of backrubs! He hates crime and cruelty! He loves girls with bangs! Plus, you've gone this far with him!

I hear that some of you have enlisted your friends to vote for Sherm. For that and for your effort on behalf of a most unlikely competitor, I say forever thanks. (And Sherm wants to know if you want a massage later.)

P.S. Last Thursday I got my advance hardcover of Nice Recovery. It looks great and it should be hitting the shelves any day now. Let's keep this love going!


Monday, March 01, 2010

David and a very short Goliath

As noted on today's facebook post, the impossible has happened.

Sherman has made it to the semifinals! That's right. My little mack daddy has come through. I realize I have been hectoring you for several weeks now. It's been all Please Vote this and Won't You Please Vote that.

This is more of the same.

Only this time, I really, really mean it even more than I did the past few weeks.

Now Sherman is up against LORD OF THE RINGS! I'm talking Orcs and Gandalf and Gollum and that attractive blonde elf and those perniciously appealing hobbits! Could there be a more lopsided matchup?

In an effort to keep you all motivated to vote for Sherm (in the last match-up we had almost twice as many votes as any of the other categories), I'm going to throw a few Olympic terms at you to get your competitive blood pumping:

Norwegian curling pants!

Vancouver flash mob!

Alex Bilodeau!

Team Canada Hockey (men and women)!!

Enormous inflated beavers (please see closing ceremonies )!

Avatar's box office!

Other things that make you think of triumph! Win! Win! Win!

(Thanks for voting!)


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Round Three!

Shermy made it to Round Three!

Now he's up against The Fionavar Tapestry, which, according to the information I've uncovered using the techniques of corporate-style espionage (and by Googling) is another tremendously popular book. In fact, in her blurb on the front Marion Zimmer Bradley said that it is "one of those rare books that could change your perception of the world forever afterward." What if a person doesn't want their perceptions changed? What if a person just wants to learn to cook a half decent meal and to maybe get a girl (or two) and also wants a little justice for the bullied to make it all go down smoothly? In other words, what about Sherm!?

For Sherm and all young justice-seekers like him who are totally neglected in our culture that prizes perception changes over poor-to-moderate detecting skills and the ability to create a decent bowl of soup and craft a good pick-up line, (and for all those who don't have any movies named after them), I say, VOTE FOR SHERM.

Oh, and supreme thanks for those who have been so diligent in voting. I'm hoping one of you gets the 64 books and/or the trip to Bermuda. Because you deserve it.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dedication and Competition

remember that competition between Getting the Girl and that other book? Well, Getting the Girl won! Yes. Thanks to you, Sherman had increased self-esteem, if not increased self-awareness, for one week.

The bad news? My mother has informed me that we've been set against Wicked. Yes, the immensely popular book by Gregory Maguire. And we are getting whupped. At last count we had 160 and the Maguire juggernaut had 263 or some nonsense like that. My mom can't do it alone! She's been voting as often as she can, but she's only one (super) woman! Please consider voting (many, many times). What's in it for you? If you visit the Polls page and vote for your favourite book in every matchup you have a chance to win ALL 64 books entered in the tournament AND a 7-Day vacation to the Bahamas. Shall I bold that last part for you? AND a 7-Day vacation to the Bahamas! A vacation you'll enjoy even more if you know you did right by Sherman Mack. Also, voting for Sherman is your chance to see Getting triumph over Wicked.

Vote for Sherm!

In other news, I told my husband I'm dedicating the new novel, due out next winter, to him and asked him if he had any special instructions for the wording. He became very serious for a moment.

"How about 'For James, Samurai Husband'?" he proposed.

"Uh..." I said.

He thought some more.

"Or what about 'For James, the greatest man who ever lived'?"

"It's got a certain something," I replied.

He trained another long gaze into the middle distance.

"I know. 'For James. A good husband. A great steelheader.'"

"That's the one," I said.

Thank you all for your continued attention to keeping Sherm in the race.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Ten Easy Steps for Managing Pre-Publication Stress

Do you have a book coming out soon? Are your nerves messing with your personal equilibrium? Here are ten simple techniques I’ve found to ease the pain.

#1. Go to drug store and buy not one, not two, but three beginner workout videos (pilates, yoga and something to do with jumping up and down and eating right). Watch one, find it a bit tough and quit ten minutes in, explaining that it’s stressing you out. Take a nap.

#2. Download Stephen King’s Under the Dome from Audible. At 34 hours long, it’s a good investment. Start listening to it on your iPod while walking the dog. At night. In the woods. When you emerge alive to find that there is no dome covering your town and no pigdog of a second selectman bent on your destruction, feel grateful. Listen compulsively to the book (at least three hours per day, preferably more) until the unforgiving pace of the horror gives you nightmares and upset stomach and you find that you’ve forgotten the imminent release of your book.

#3. When Barbara’s Jalapeno Cheese Puffs go on sale, buy them all. Then eat them. Feel overwhelmed at the quantities of cheese dust left behind on your oversized hoody and by your severe case of what’s technically referred to as “Doodle Bloat”. Remember that you have those three new workout videos and figure that works out to a draw.

#4. Buy a pair of black waxed skinny jeans. Just do it. No, it doesn’t matter that they don’t go with anything you own and that because you never do your exercise videos you are not in any condition to wear low waisted pants. The important thing is that the discomfort of wearing them will be a major distraction from all else that ails you, including blood sugar trouble from the cheese puffs and an anxiety disorder caused by listening to Under the Dome for several hours each day.

#5. Mail off multiple advance copies of your work. One hour later, start worrying that people didn’t like it. Let the fear ramp up for twelve to twenty-four hours. Then give up all your hopes for the book you ripped your heart out to write. Because hell with it. You just fell into this writing thing. You never expected it to work out. And anyway, you don’t care. You could be perfectly happy working for the cable company as a… cable company worker. Those lucky ducks have pensions and benefits and all sorts of things. Not like writers. All writers get is spittle in the eye.

#6. Get some nice feedback. Feel all will be well and that the year or two or four you spent writing the book was well worth it. One person likes it and that's all that matters. Maybe it will be useful. Start to feel nearly ebullient at the prospects for your book. Lots of people will like it. There will be film deals! About the Author documentaries! Maybe it will take up near permanent residence on bestseller lists! You may end up purchasing an estate near Lake Cuomo. No, that’s not right. Wasn’t that the name of a governor of New York? You won’t fit in with George and his friends if you can’t even get the name of the lake right. Also, will they expect you to speak French? What’s that? Johnny Depp lives in the south of France and George lives in Italy? Is Italian easier to learn than French? Go to library and take out instructional CDs to help you learn both languages, just in case.

#7. Get some feedback that feels a little lukewarm. FREAK OUT. What exactly did she mean by “It was pretty good.”??? Rip off the waxed skinny jeans that you’ve been wearing around the house in an attempt to look more like someone Bono might talk to if you met him at George or Johnny’s place. Put on track pants. Old ones with bagged out seat and knees. Write a screed of some kind. Send it to newspaper in response to a completely unrelated article.

#8. Go online and print off application forms for farrier college.

#9. Try to volunteer for an NGO working in war-torn, poverty-stricken country. Get turned away by the person on the other end of the phone with the comment that “we’ve got enough problems on our hands”. Decide that next time you won’t talk so much about what you’ve learned about what happens when New England towns get trapped under invisible domes and how you hope to bring that knowledge to your work with Crisis Doctors Internationale even though you are pretty freaked out about the imminent release of your new book and just generally have a lot on your mind.

#10. Finally, having listened to all 34 hours of Under the Dome and unable to eat any more cheese puffs or fit into your waxed skinnys, start a new book. One that you know will not give you as much trouble as the last one. Remember that, in the immortal words of Meg Cabot: You are not a hundred dollar bill. Not everyone is going to like you. The book is done and the response is out of your hands. Decide Somerset Maugham had the right idea when he left on year long round the world voyages upon publication of any new book.

P.S. If you are a contest winner, please note that the above was intended to be tongue-in-cheek. You are under no obligation to tell me what you thought of the book. Unless you enjoyed it. In that case, please contact George and Johnny's realtors and ask them about properties suitable for a thirty-five year old thirteen foot Trillium travel trailer (electrical hook-up and running water a must!) that are within walking-to-brunch distance of Depp or Clooney's place. Not both obviously. I do know that much about Europe.