Sunday, February 26, 2006

Action Jackson

I've been battling a cold for a week and a half now. By battling I mean spending 90 percent of my time feeling sorry for myself. (Not least because I've watched all of Dead Like Me and am now reduced to watching Roswell . I'm not saying there's anything wrong with Roswell: it's just the characters make awful noises when they kiss, which they seem to do for about 30 minutes out of every 45. Dear Roswell Sound Effects people: ease up on the macking noises. Some of us are not feeling well and the slurping noises aren't helping.)

Anyway the other 10 percent of my time has been spent feeling sorry for the trees of the Imperiled Forest. Here are some of the latest ribbons and their models. (Please note that the ribbon that doesn't reach all the way around is over 2 metres long. Dagoberto, the tree with the extra large figure, remains naked. I've got to find him a HUGE ribbon. Maybe a few ribbons tied together. Although Dagoberto is into colour coordination, so that may not work.)

The Imperiled Forest's last snowfall?

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Not Like I'm...

Jealous or Anything: The Jealousy Book
Edited by Marissa Walsh, including essays by the always-excellent Jaclyn Moriarty, Ned Vizzini, and E. Lockhart, to name just a few, is available now. It also includes an essay by yours truly.

I would have announced this on the February 14th, which is when the book went on sale, but I refuse to recognize Valentine's Day to show my solidarity with all those people for whom the day is just another reason to feel bad that they haven't yet met someone. In support of those people, James and I celebrate "Middle of February Day." (Nothing says I care like a piece of Stilton cheesecake with rhubarb coulis served warm or cold in the middle of February. Or anytime, really.)

So, Happy Day After Middle of February Day, everyone. Have a piece of cake for me.

(Please note that I've sent the City of Nanaimo a letter asking them to do me a solid by including the little forest at the end of the lake as part of the million plus acres that were recently set aside as a park in BC. I'm still waiting to hear. In the meantime, I've got a little something planned to let the neighborhood forest know I care...)