Terrific blog post about reviewing and reader response
Shannon Hale opens an important discussion on how we evaluate books: squeetus blog
John Green responds with his thoughts: sparksflyup
Nicely put on both fronts. Also had the effect of making me think I should write about something more than mild stomach upsets on this blog.
On that note, I am catsitting our neighbor's feline. His name is Craster. I'm told he's keen to be in one of my books. He'd like to be cast as the cat. All has gone well up to this point but now he is charging around my studio like he's gone insane. He's careening off walls and leaping over my computer and rolling around on the couch and flying off the stairs and skidding across my desk, scattering papers as he goes. Is this normal? He's kind of elderly and I promise I didn't put anything spicy near his rear end.
He's also making funny "rowrrrr"-ish noises. But he looks happy enough.
If I review Crasty's behaviour for his owners, I think I will do so with more of a New Yorker-style discussion as opposed to a starred review. I think they will appreciate the texture and doing so will allow me to frame my comments within the lens of my own lack of cat exposure.
P.S. It's forty seconds later and now he's dozing peacefully in a sunbeam.
John Green responds with his thoughts: sparksflyup
Nicely put on both fronts. Also had the effect of making me think I should write about something more than mild stomach upsets on this blog.
On that note, I am catsitting our neighbor's feline. His name is Craster. I'm told he's keen to be in one of my books. He'd like to be cast as the cat. All has gone well up to this point but now he is charging around my studio like he's gone insane. He's careening off walls and leaping over my computer and rolling around on the couch and flying off the stairs and skidding across my desk, scattering papers as he goes. Is this normal? He's kind of elderly and I promise I didn't put anything spicy near his rear end.
He's also making funny "rowrrrr"-ish noises. But he looks happy enough.
If I review Crasty's behaviour for his owners, I think I will do so with more of a New Yorker-style discussion as opposed to a starred review. I think they will appreciate the texture and doing so will allow me to frame my comments within the lens of my own lack of cat exposure.
P.S. It's forty seconds later and now he's dozing peacefully in a sunbeam.