I can't believe
the season finale of Alice, I Think, the TV show, is airing on Sunday on CTV. How the time has flown by. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank every single person involved in the show for doing an amazing job. I am a huge fan of the actors, writers, directors and crew and I send them each a (metaphorical) custom M&M with their name on it. That's how much I love them. I hope you all watch (don't forget to check out the bonus episode at the end).
In other news, I remain busy and well fed. In a strange twist on the rugged camping experience, the camp site we stayed at earlier this month installed a small restaurant, which featured a breakfast buffet. So every morning when James went fishing, I went buffeting. I gained TEN pounds on our camping trip! (This sort of thing doesn't happen to backpackers, unless they are backpacking through an ABC Family Restaurant Wilderness Area.)
To remedy my unfortunate gains, I considered going on a cleanse. But then I decided that would make me all blood sugar-y (code for dizzy and bitchy) and so I decided to design my own weight loss remedy. I call it the Super Burn. It involves working out for at least three hours per day. Super Burn is not for wimps. I have done it twice now and Frank, my unwilling Super Burn partner, is thinking of calling the SPCA to complain.
We run for an hour, swim for half an hour, I ride my bike for half an hour and lift weights for an hour. (Frank gets to sit out the last two activities, so I don't know what he's whining about.) So far I've just gotten quite tired and ravenous. I suspect that my Super Burn program may be short-lived, because it has to compete with revisions to my book and Season 3 of The Wire (the best show on television), but I'll keep you posted. I wonder, if I Super Burned long enough, maybe I could get really cut and then be cast as the new workout-addicted detective on McNulty's team? Nah, Baltimore doesn't seem like a working out kind of town. Also, it's only a matter of time before I injure myself, which means that Super Burn will lead to a new Feeding the Injury plan.
In other news, I remain busy and well fed. In a strange twist on the rugged camping experience, the camp site we stayed at earlier this month installed a small restaurant, which featured a breakfast buffet. So every morning when James went fishing, I went buffeting. I gained TEN pounds on our camping trip! (This sort of thing doesn't happen to backpackers, unless they are backpacking through an ABC Family Restaurant Wilderness Area.)
To remedy my unfortunate gains, I considered going on a cleanse. But then I decided that would make me all blood sugar-y (code for dizzy and bitchy) and so I decided to design my own weight loss remedy. I call it the Super Burn. It involves working out for at least three hours per day. Super Burn is not for wimps. I have done it twice now and Frank, my unwilling Super Burn partner, is thinking of calling the SPCA to complain.
We run for an hour, swim for half an hour, I ride my bike for half an hour and lift weights for an hour. (Frank gets to sit out the last two activities, so I don't know what he's whining about.) So far I've just gotten quite tired and ravenous. I suspect that my Super Burn program may be short-lived, because it has to compete with revisions to my book and Season 3 of The Wire (the best show on television), but I'll keep you posted. I wonder, if I Super Burned long enough, maybe I could get really cut and then be cast as the new workout-addicted detective on McNulty's team? Nah, Baltimore doesn't seem like a working out kind of town. Also, it's only a matter of time before I injure myself, which means that Super Burn will lead to a new Feeding the Injury plan.